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Sybil Shearer Studio Opening at RagdaleSEPTEMBER 18, 2021
Dancers and musicians perform within the new Sybil Shearer Studio. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured: Kristina Isabelle dancing Sybil Shearer’s SOLO, NO PEACE ON EARTH. Photo by Bob Laemle Julian Otis entertains attendees. Photo by Bob Laemle Pictured Kellyn Jackson. Photo by Bob Laemle Pictured: Kristina Isabelle with the dancers and musicians. Photo by Bob Laemle Dancers and musicians entertain attendees from within the new Sybil Shearer Studio. Photo by Bob Laemle. Nicholas Schrier. Photo by Bob Laemle. Attendees watch Kellyn Jackson. Photo by Bob Laemle. Dancers and musicians begin to perform for attendees. Photo by Bob Laemle. Dancers and musicians begin to perform for attendees. Photo by Bob Laemle. Ragdale Board President Elizabeth Boyd welcomes attendees. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured L-R: Rebecca Rugg, Alida Szabo, Scott Lundius, and Bonnine Metzger. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured: Ragdale Foundation President Elizabeth Boyd welcomes attendees. Photo by Bob Laemle. L-R Juanita Nicholson, Toby Nicholson, Julia Mayer, Carol Doty, Brian M. Schaeffer and Cheryle Bye. Photo by Bob Laemle. L-R James Whiteley and Ragdale Foundation Vice President Adrienne Johns. Photo by Bob Laemle. Lauren Warnecke, Kevin Iega Jeff, Creative Director, Deeply Rooted Dance Theater Ginger Farley, Exec. Dir. of the Dance MakersForum addresses attendees in advance of celebratory toast. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured L-R Winifred Hahn, Lauren Warnecke, Precious Jennings, Silvita Diaz Brown, Julia Mayer. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured Ragdale Executive Director Michael C. Cleavenger and former Ragdale Executive Director Jeffrey Meeuwsen. Photo by Bob Laemle. Pictured L-R Morrison-Shearer Foundation Chair, Alida Szabo, Morrison-Shearer Foundation Exec. Dir. Scott Lundius, and Hedy Weiss. Photo by Bob Laemle.